This is why we voted against him. This is why we tried to convince you to do the same. This was never about Democrat versus Republican. Not for me. You and I can discuss the difference in policy beliefs between the parties all day and I would be okay with an impasse.
Donald Trump is different.
This is different.
We just had the United States President stand in front of the world, from inside the White House, and say the election was being stolen from him. And he did it with no evidence, with no proof, with nothing but a lie. And he knows it is a lie. And he did it anyway. And this is why we voted against him.
There are no illegal votes being counted. There is no late night truck of secret ballots. There are no dead people voting, people voting twice, unmarked ballots showing up.
He has no proof. He has no evidence.
Ask yourself why he said Pennsylvania and Michigan were corrupt but not Arizona. It is because he has a good chance of coming back and winning Arizona. He knows that. So if he said all mail-in voting was illegal and a fraud, he would have to include a state that he could still win.
And he doesn’t want to do that.
Because all he cares about is not losing. He can’t lose. It would be embarrassing. It would be a stain on his version of his record.
So he stands in front of the cameras, and he says our Democracy is a fraud. With no evidence. He calls Detroit and Philadelphia two of the most corrupt cities in the country.
This is why we voted against him. This is why we have spent years fighting him. Because we saw it. We have watched it. He has done it time and time again. Shamed our country if it helps him feel better about himself. If it helps him look better.
All for him. None for us.
And either you truly didn’t see it or you did, and you were able to look the other way. You were able to stomach it because of the payoff you or your party received.
This is why we voted against him in record numbers.
This is why.
The President is a fraud. Not our democracy.