Interviews and Videos

A Debate Among Friends

We have known each other since childhood. We played t-ball together. We rode bikes together, laughed together, grew up together.

Now we are all grown up. We have kids of our own, we live on opposite ends of the country, and we haven’t seen each other in years. 

So what else do you do when your only interactions lately are political debates on Facebook? 

You get together for a zoom debate!

With a moderator!

And that’s exactly what Geoff and I did. We decided to debate our different views of the world and try to learn a little from each other. 

Did it work?

You be the judge.

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About Josh

“Eat your cereal with a fork and do your homework in the dark” -HHH Person, father, man, laptop, TV. I once was left on the side of the road for lighting my friend’s car roof on fire. I was also left at a Pizza Hut when I was four. I cried when Optimus Prime died. I love baseball and Cleveland. I write, I dream, I argue and discuss. I love engaging with those who have different views as my own. It helps me fine tune my beliefs. This website will be hypocritical at times, inspiring at times, awful at times.
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