Blog, Political Rants

The President Who Cried Wolf

Let’s face it, the President of the United States lies. A lot. It is how he operates. It is his biggest and best strategy. Lie about everything at all times. 

How many of you thought he was lying about having Covid-19? Or if he did have it, he was lying about how bad. Or what treatment he was taking. Or if he still has it. How many of you thought every single member of his cabinet who tested positive was also faking it?

You have Donald Trump to thank for that. 

Donald Trump says fake to anything and everything that may make him look bad, even if he knows it is not fake. That way everyone will question everything. No evidence of massive voter fraud? Lie and tell everyone there is so they’ll second guess election results. Massive evidence of Russian interference? Lie over and over, including lying about lying, until the lie is a possible truth. 

That’s our President. 

And he has his enablers in the White House and Congress doing the same thing. Lie, dodge, exaggerate, bully, lie some more. 

Trump 2020. Lie until you win. 

And that is what we have to deal with. 

Last night I said that Mike Pence was winning the debate. Many people disagreed with me. But you can’t judge Trump’s America by the truth. Not if you want to win. Mike Pence lied, didn’t answer questions, talked over the moderator who had no control of the debate. Yet he did it calmly, with that smug aloofness that is his calling card. 

He is a used car evangelical salesman. He is full of it. That’s why flies are attracted to him. 

But he was winning the debate at the beginning. Because pointing out the lies and failures of the Trump administration doesn’t help. 

It doesn’t. 

This post doesn’t help. 

I’m not changing anyone’s mind over Donald Trump. Either you know he is a liar or you have drank the koolaid and think I am a socialist, antifa, terrorist. 

So what do we do about it? Because I needed a drink after the first two debates. I needed a drink after seeing Trump run around like a coked up frat boy screaming he is immune to Covid and god blessed him. 

I’ve been triggered for so long my resting bitch face is now my normal look. 

So what do we do? 

We vote. Of course. We vote with a plan. We find out when and where to vote in person. We mail our ballots in early. We find where the drop off locations are. 

We vote as if an angry, lying, cheating, dangerous con man is in the White House and we are the last defense.

Because we are. 

But we have to do more than vote. We have to stand up to the chaos that is here now and the chaos that will come in the next few weeks. 

Crazy Trump supporter spewing crazy online? Stand up to it. 

But calmly. 

Like the Fonz. 

Be like the Fonz. 

Crazy person crazies?…..calmly drop the truth, the proof, the facts and the fonz. 

Oh, I am sorry, everything you just said is completely insane and here is the evidence that you are incorrect. 

Bam. Drop that mic on them and walk away. 

When they call you fake news, or the fact checkers need fact checking, or bring up burning democrat cities, or antifa this  and BLM that…..Fonzie. Be cool. 

If your blood is boiling because their insanity is infuriating, understand that logic is out of their reach. You are not sharing facts for them. You are sharing facts and the truth so that everyone else that is unfortunate enough to have to read their crap, immediately sees the truth below it. 

Call it out. 

Operation Crazy Suppression. 

If you see something, say something. 

Stand up to the lies. 

But be cool. 

Be the Fonz. 

The President of the United States lies. And in a few more weeks, he will be the lying lame duck President on the way out. But it is going to take a group effort to stop him. 

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About Josh

“Eat your cereal with a fork and do your homework in the dark” -HHH Person, father, man, laptop, TV. I once was left on the side of the road for lighting my friend’s car roof on fire. I was also left at a Pizza Hut when I was four. I cried when Optimus Prime died. I love baseball and Cleveland. I write, I dream, I argue and discuss. I love engaging with those who have different views as my own. It helps me fine tune my beliefs. This website will be hypocritical at times, inspiring at times, awful at times.
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